An accident and emergency is any unforeseen or unplanned circumstance that is a mishap and has a negative outcome. While most minor accidents are not life threatening, a lot of major accidents happen around us every day. Most common types of accidents involve automobile and road accidents, sports related accidents, Industrial injuries, fall injuries or fire accidents. It is important to understand the emergency services and emergency management required during an accident.
Accident and emergency services at Asha Hospital
Asha Hospital is fully equipped with the appropriate emergency medical service facilities. Ambulance services, paramedic services and other emergency care and services are provided in Asha Hospital.
Department of Accident and Emergency Services
The Accident and Emergency Department of Asha Hospital, provides emergency medical services to patients who may suffer from cardiac arrests, trauma, mental illness, asthma, heart attacks, Snake bite, Shock, Stroke-paralysis, Poisoning, respiratory problems, urinary problems, Abdominal Pain, Heat Stroke, Electric burn, etc. As a result of road accidents or fall, the patient may experience trauma due to multiple injuries to different organs. It is necessary for trained professionals to handle such cases with utmost care.
What types of emergencies are handled by the Asha Accident and Emergency Department?
Patients with serious illnesses and injuries are assessed at the accident and emergency department. A person may be brought in to the emergency room in case of the following:
Here is a list of accident and emergency patient care services
Severe bleeding that cannot be stopped
Fits / Convulsions
Loss of consciousness
Breathing difficulties
Sports injuries
Head and spinal cord injuries
Pediatric emergencies
Industrial accidents
Burns due to a fire accident
Road accident multiple injuries
Fall injuries
Our accident and emergency department provides quality care in case of accidents. The trauma team comprises of trauma surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, Trained Nurses, Latest State-of-The-Art equipment, gadgets. Ready stock of medications and life drugs are available in the 24 Hours open In-house pharmacy.