General Surgery
Dr Saurabh Agrawal

The department of General Surgery has a dedicated Surgical ICU. General Surgical Emergencies are covered 24/7  by consultant surgeons.

Despite its name, general surgery is a very specialized field of medicine. General surgeons not only perform surgical procedures for a wide range of medical conditions, they are involved in patient care before and after surgery as well. General surgeons typically operate to cure all kinds of abdominal problems, but the procedures may also extend to other parts of the body as well. Because of the large number of organs located in the abdomen, a general surgeon is skilled in dealing with a wide variety of surgical procedures. While some of the problems may be common ones such as hernias, other may require complex surgery. The general surgery department at Asha Hospital is staffed by highly skilled surgeons with the expertise and experience to deal with all types of surgeries. The use of the latest surgical techniques, coupled with the best of both pre and post-operative care means that patients who come to Asha Hospital can be assured of the highest standards of treatment and care.

The general surgery procedures performed include:

Breast Lump
Breast Abscess
Perianal Abscess
Piles / Hydrocele
Inguinal Hernia
Incisional Hernia
Local Cases
Umbilical Hernia
  • Excision Of Lump &Meshplasty
  • Lipoma (Local)
  • Breast Abscess B/L